This show is really starting to live up to its namesake – An entire episode with Hyakkimaru absolutely nowhere to be seen outside a minute. Maybe this show was actually named correctly after all.
This episode was very interesting, mainly because of the way Itachi and Dororo see one another. I had previously dismissed Itachi as a two-timing douche with very little redeeming qualities, but it seems he still has some scruples and principles despite everything he has done. He wants the map Dororo has, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in torturing her to get what he wants. Furthermore, a little into the episode, we even find a tacit admission from him that Dororo’s father was actually right about the samurai and feudal lords that Itachi was interested in serving – to them, they’re all disposable pawns to serve their political gains.
Naturally, Dororo is desperate to protect her mother and father’s legacy, remembering the wise words of the old priest – that map on her back could change lives and countries alike. She even admits this saying “she’s not ready to face it” yet. Itachi isn’t going to idly stand by and accept that.
It’s often said that you can learn the most about a human in moments of dire strife or, in this case, imminent death. Itachi even apologizes for digging up Dororo’s mother in this moment. That’s a pretty big deal for a guy like Itachi.
Also, uh, sharks? This show is fucking insane. This guy has massive sharks that are going to eat everyone! These things were so comically large I was laughing my ass off. I know this is a show with demons and mystical elements, but for some reason I found this pretty funny. I’m totally ok with suspending my disbelief here.
So, back to the previous topic – I was impressed that Itachi valued Dororo’s opinion enough to stop wailing on the insane shark guy. It’s clear that he doesn’t begrudge Dororo or his family – he’s just an “ends justify the means” kinda guy and they were in his way (or in this case, holding the key to getting him what he wants). Naturally, he wasn’t happy about losing half of his men to the shark guy’s tricks. Hey, Dororo did warn you he looked suspicious!
I noticed that they are making Hyakkimaru and Dororo grapple with their respective pasts alone. It seems it won’t be long until Hyakki meets up with his foster father – they have a lot to share. Wait until he sees how many body parts he’s recovered (He can talk now too!)
What’s up with the end of this episode? Is the shark going to grow feet or something? Didn’t we already establish that Itachi’s men had the advantage on land because, um, sharks are bound to water? I’m fully expecting something completely beyond my imagination now – that iris shot at the end seemed to show the inner workings of a mad creature with no reason.